If you have been programming in Java, C#, or Delphi, you will definitely miss the ability of creating containers with the Object value type in C++. The Object class in those languages is a basic class for almost all types, so you are able to assign almost any value to it at any time. Just imagine how great it would be to have such a feature in C++:
typedef std::unique_ptr<Object> object_ptr;
std::vector<object_ptr> some_values;
some_values.push_back(new Object(10));
some_values.push_back(new Object("Hello there"));
some_values.push_back(new Object(std::string("Wow!")));
std::string* p = dynamic_cast<std::string*>(some_values.back().get());
(*p) += " That is great!\n";
std::cout << *p;