Docker Orchestration
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This chapter and the preceding three showed just a few of the orchestration platforms out there. There are many others and it seems as if another one is released every day. Here are some other orchestration tools to look at:
Google, Amazon, and Microsoft all have container services as part of their cloud offerings. These are often the easiest ways to use containers in the cloud.
Red Hat OpenShift is a PaaS platform built on top of Kubernetes. It is available as a hosted platform or it can be installed on-site. There is also an open source variant called OpenShift Origin. For more details, refer to https://www.openshift.com/.
Panamax is an open source project developed by CenturyLink based on Fleet and CoreOS. It provides an easy to use web interface for managing applications. For more details, refer to http://panamax.io/.
Modera Cloud is an open source package that works with Docker Swarm. It bills itself as being, by developers for developers. It uses a command line interface...