Kali Linux - An Ethical Hacker's Cookbook
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In this recipe, you will learn a few ways to get the administrator account on the Windows Server. There are multiple ways to get administrator rights on a Windows system. Let's look at a few ways in which this can be done.
Once we have meterpreter on the system, Metasploit has an inbuilt module to try three different methods to get admin access. First, we will see the infamous getsystem
of Metasploit. To view the help, we type this:
getsystem –h
To try and get admin, we type the following command:
We can see we are now NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM
. Sometimes, this technique may not work, so we try another way to get the system on the machine. We will look at some ways to reconfigure Windows services.
We will use sc ( known as service configuration) to configure Windows services.
Let's look at the upnphost
sc qc upnphost
First, we upload our netcat
binary on the system. Once that's done, we can change the binary path of a running service with...