LaTeX Beginner's Guide

Suppose our example would contain information about an enterprise and its structure and further about its network structure and design. We shall mark places in the text where these concepts occur. Finally, we will order LaTeX to typeset the index:
Go back to our example. In the preamble, load the index package and add the command to create the index:
\usepackage{index} \makeindex
In the caption of our enterprise diagram, index this point with the keyword enterprise
\caption{\index{enterprise}Enterprise Organizational Chart}
In the third chapter, which contains our diagrams, index by the keyword network
Directly before \end{document}
, create an entry for the index for the table of contents. To ensure that it shows the correct page number, end the page before:
\clearpage \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Index}
In the next line, order LaTeX to typeset the index:
If you're using TeXworks, choose MakeIndex instead of pdfLaTeX...