LaTeX Beginner's Guide

We will try out every font size available by LaTeX's default font size commands. For testing, we exceptionally use them in the body text—their main use is in the macro definitions:
Create a document with the following code:
\documentclass{article} \begin{document} \noindent\tiny We \scriptsize start \footnotesize \small small, \normalsize get \large big \Large and \LARGE bigger, \huge huge and \Huge gigantic! \end{document}
Typeset and observe the output:
At first, we used \noindent
. This command suppresses the paragraph indentation. Then we used all 10 available size declarations, starting small with \tiny
and ending really big with \Huge
. There are no corresponding commands taking arguments, so we would have to use curly braces to delimit their scope, as we learned to before.
The actual resulting font size depends on the base font. If your document has a base font of 12 pt, then \tiny
would result in text bigger than with a base font...