Driving DevOps with Value Stream Management
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In this section, you will learn about LEI, perhaps the best-known Lean training organization due to its founder's deep studies into the principles of Lean practices developed initially at Toyota and then widely adopted across the world.
LEI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in Boston, Massachusetts (MA). Its stated mission is to make things better through Lean thinking and practice.
LEI was founded in 1997 by management expert James P. Womack, Ph.D., who wrote the seminal book on Lean, The Machine that Changed the World. Today, LEI promotes its efforts to conduct research, teach educational workshops, publish books and e-books, run conferences, and share practical information about lean thinking and practice.
Compared with traditional "think" tanks, LEI views its organization as a do tank. As you will find in later sections, LEI applies the same Lean principle to guide its research activities. Specifically...