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Most of the products we work with include more than one part put together. To easily show these parts alongside related details, such as cost, part numbers, materials, and weights, we can use a BOM. Including a BOM is a very common practice when communicating drawings of assemblies. In this chapter, we learned what BOMs are and how to generate a standard one. We then learned how to adjust the information in a standard bill by adding, removing, and regenerating information, rows, and columns. We also learned how to use equations to generate numerical values from our bills. Finally, we learned how to generate callouts to create visual links between the information in our bill and the visual representation of our assembly in the drawing sheet.
Being able to create a BOM is an essential skill in order to communicate products consisting of many different parts. It is also an expected skill of a SOLIDWORKS professional.
In the next chapter, we will start learning about and...