Automate Everyday Tasks in Jira
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One of the first things people think about when you mention automation is the ability to create issues on a scheduled basis, and with automation in Jira, this is a relatively straightforward task to achieve. In conjunction with the rest of the components we have already discussed, this gives you great flexibility in terms of what you can achieve.
In this section, we will look at how you can use the Scheduled trigger to perform a variety of tasks that need to be performed at defined intervals.
The Scheduled trigger allows us to run rules at specified intervals. We can use either a fixed rate interval in our rule, or we can use a cron expression to create a more complex schedule.
Fixed rate intervals are pretty straightforward; you specify how often the rule should trigger in minutes, hours, or days, and the automation engine will initiate execution of the rule based on the interval.
Important note
When you use a fixed rate interval...