The sample application we will go over in this chapter is composed of an HTML frontend, two MicroProfile-based microservices, two external services we spin up using Docker, and an external time service on the web we have no control over. The architecture of our sample application is shown in the following diagram:

The key elements in this diagram include the following:
- Svcs1 Image: This is a collection of REST endpoints that make use of MP-HC, MP-Metrics, MP-OT, MP-JWT, MP-OAPI, MP-FT, and MP-RC in a Quarkus runtime.
- Svcs2 Image: This is a collection of REST endpoints that make use of MP-HC and MP-Metrics in a Quarkus runtime.
- Jaeger: This a Docker image that runs the Jaeger server for the collection of trace loggings.
- KeyCloak: This is a Docker image that runs a KeyCloak 6.0.0 server instance.
- WorldClock: This is...