React Key Concepts
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To determine whether (and where) a DOM update might be needed, React (specifically, the react-dom
package) compares the current DOM structure to the structure implied by the JSX code returned by the executed component functions. If there's a difference, the DOM is updated accordingly; otherwise, it's left untouched.
However, just as manipulating the DOM is relatively performance-intensive, reading the DOM is as well. Even without changing anything in the DOM, reaching out to it, traversing the DOM elements, and deriving the structure from it is something you typically want to reduce to a minimum.
If multiple component functions are executed and each trigger a process where the rendered DOM elements are read and compared to the JSX structure implied by the invoked component functions, the rendered DOM will be hit with read operations multiple times within a very short time frame.
For bigger React apps that are made up of dozens, hundreds, or even...