PHP Web Development with Laminas
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Laminas is a framework for building PHP applications. There are several frameworks for any programming language, and this is no different for PHP. So, why would you choose Laminas? Well, Erich Gamma, a renowned computer scientist and the principal designer of widely used tools such as JUnit and Eclipse, states that a framework is at the highest level of reuse for an object-oriented system. For this, the framework needs to be under the control of the developer. A framework shouldn’t be heavyweight, seeking to do much for the developer or doing it in a way that the developer doesn’t want. In addition, frameworks should always allow the developer to change how they do things – they must be flexible. A framework should not be pretentious and force the developer to use all of its components as if they were the definitive implementation for a given problem. A framework should be humble enough to recognize that the developer is the one who has the best solution...