Customizing ASP.NET Core 5.0
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Chapter 1, Customizing Logging, teaches you how to customize the logging behavior and how to add a custom logging provider.
Chapter 2, Customizing App Configuration, helps you understand how to use different configuration sources and add custom configuration providers.
Chapter 3, Customizing Dependency Injection, teaches you how Dependency Injection (DI) works and how to use a different DI container.
Chapter 4, Configuring and Customizing HTTPS with Kestrel, looks into configuring HTTPS differently.
Chapter 5, Using IHostedService and BackgroundService, makes you understand how to execute tasks in the background.
Chapter 6, Writing Custom Middleware, deals with the HTTP context using middleware.
Chapter 7, Content Negotiation Using a Custom OutputFormatter, teaches you how to output different content types based on the HTTP Accept header.
Chapter 8, Managing Inputs with Custom ModelBinders, helps you create input models with different types of content.
Chapter 9, Creating a Custom ActionFilter, uncovers aspect-oriented programming using ActionFilters.
Chapter 10, Creating Custom TagHelpers, enables you to simplify the UI layer by creating TagHelpers.
Chapter 11, Configuring WebHostBuilder, helps you understand how to set up configuration on the hosting layer.
Chapter 12, Using Different Hosting Models, teaches you about different types of hosting on different platforms.
Chapter 13, Working with Endpoint Routing, helps you understand how to use the new routing to provide custom endpoints.