ASP.NET Core 5 Secure Coding Cookbook
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TLS is a network communication protocol that's used on the web to secure data and achieve privacy through cryptography. Missing or flawed implementations of this secure protocol brings an ASP.NET web application to a massive amount of risk when sensitive data being transmitted between the browser and the web server is unencrypted or potentially intercepted. Enabling TLS is the first step to adequately encrypting data in transit. The succeeding recipes in this chapter will add even more protection.
Not enabling TLS in your ASP.NET Core web application puts your confidential data in transit between the clients and servers at risk. You must ensure that HTTPS has been configured for the best protection.
In this recipe, we will learn how to correctly mitigate the risk of a missing security protocol implementation and support for HTTPS.
To complete the recipes in this chapter, we will need a sample Online Banking...