Blazor WebAssembly by Example
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A PWA is a web app that uses modern web capabilities to deliver an app-like experience to users. They look and feel like a native application because they run in their own app window instead of the browser's window, and they can be launched from the Start menu or taskbar. PWAs offer an offline experience and load instantly due to their use of caching. They can receive push notifications and are automatically updated in the background. Finally, although they do not require a listing in an app store for distribution, they can be distributed through the app stores.
Many large companies such as Pinterest, Starbucks, Trivago, and Twitter have embraced PWAs. Companies are drawn to PWAs because they can develop them once and use them everywhere.
A PWA feels like a native application due to a combination of technologies. In order to convert a web app into a PWA, it must use HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) and include both a manifest file and a service...