Deno Web Development
By :

One of Deno's principles is to keep its single single executable as complete as possible. This decision, among others, dramatically facilitates the installation step. In this section, we'll install VS Code and the recommended plugins and learn how to install Deno on different systems.
In the next few pages, we'll learn how to install Deno. To make sure everything written in this book runs smoothly, we'll be using version 1.7.5.
This is one of the rare parts of this book where things might differ, depending on your operating system. After the installation is complete, it doesn't make a difference how you installed Deno.
Let's get practical and install Deno on our machines. The following bullet points show you how to install the runtime on different operating systems:
$ curl -fsSL https://deno.land/x/install/install.sh | sh -s v1.7.5