Practical Web Design
By :

Before we actually start coding, we need to download a text editor. It's a program to basically write all our code. In this course, we will use Atom; you can download the tool via this URL (https://atom.io/). The program is available for macOS, Windows, and Linux, and it is completely free!
If you are familiar with another text editor, it's completely fine to use your one. A few other editors are also very nice and free, such as Sublime Text 3 (https://www.sublimetext.com/), Bracket (http://brackets.io/), and Dreamweaver (https://www.adobe.com/products/dreamweaver.html).
Once you have your text editor, we can start the course:
The ATOM Text Editor
First things first, we need to create a folder to put all our project files in there. Let's create this folder and call it Racing Club Website
. Once you've done that, open this folder as our project folder. Click on File
| Add Project Folder…
Now that we have our super text editor installed and our project folder set, let's talk about...