Full-Stack Vue.js 2 and Laravel 5
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In this chapter, we learned about Vuex, Vue's official state management library, which is based on the Flux architecture. We installed Vuex in Vuebnb and set up a store where global state could be written and retrieved.
We then learned the main features of Vuex including state, mutator methods and getters, and how we can debug Vuex using Vue Devtools. We used this knowledge to implement a listing save component, which we then added to our main pages.
Lastly, we married Vuex and Vue Router to allow page state to be more efficiently stored and retrieved when the route changes.
In the next chapter, we'll cover one of the trickiest topics of full-stack apps – authentication. We'll add a user profile to Vuebnb so a user can persist their saved items to the database. We'll also continue to add to our knowledge of Vuex by utilizing some of its more advanced features.