Before we dive in to creating our LOB app, I have included a cheat sheet for you to familiarize yourself with common Angular syntax and CLI commands, because going forward, this syntax and these commands will be used without their purpose explicitly explained. Take some time to review and orient yourself with new Angular syntax, major components, CLI scaffolds, and common pipes. You may find the list especially useful if your background is with AngularJS, since you will need to unlearn some old syntax.

Angular 6 for Enterprise-Ready Web Applications
By :

Angular 6 for Enterprise-Ready Web Applications
Overview of this book
Angular 6 for Enterprise-Ready Web Applications follows a hands-on and minimalist approach demonstrating how to design and architect high quality apps.
The first part of the book is about mastering the Angular platform using foundational technologies. You will use the Kanban method to focus on value delivery, communicate design ideas with mock-up tools and build great looking apps with Angular Material. You will become comfortable using CLI tools, understand reactive programming with RxJS, and deploy to the cloud using Docker.
The second part of the book will introduce you to the router-first architecture, a seven-step approach to designing and developing mid-to-large line-of-business applications, along with popular recipes. You will learn how to design a solid authentication and authorization experience; explore unit testing, early integration with backend APIs using Swagger and continuous integration using CircleCI. In the concluding chapters, you will provision a highly available cloud infrastructure on AWS and then use Google Analytics to capture user behavior.
By the end of this book, you will be familiar with the scope of web development using Angular, Swagger, and Docker, learning patterns and practices to be successful as an individual developer on the web or as a team in the Enterprise.
Table of Contents (14 chapters)
Setting Up Your Development Environment
Create a Local Weather Web Application
Prepare Angular App for Production Release
Staying Up to Date with Angular Updates
Enhance Angular App with Angular Material
Reactive Forms and Component Interaction
Create a Router-First Line-of-Business App
Continuous Integration and API Design
Design Authentication and Authorization
Angular App Design and Recipes
Highly-Available Cloud Infrastructure on AWS
Google Analytics and Advanced Cloud Ops
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