Angular 2 Cookbook
By :

With the departure of the Angular 1.x concept of $scope
inheritance, mentally (partially or entirely) remodeling how information would be passed around your application is a must. In its place, you have an entirely new system of propagating information throughout the application's hierarchy.
Gone also is the concept of defaulting to bidirectional data binding. Although it made for an application that was simpler to reason about, bidirectional data binding incurs an unforgivably expensive drag on performance. This new system operates in an asymmetric fashion: members are propagated downwards through the component tree, but not upwards unless explicitly performed.
The code, links, and a live example of this are available at http://ngcookbook.herokuapp.com/6543/.
Suppose you had a simple application that intended to (but currently cannot) pass data from a parent ArticleComponent
to a child AttributionComponent...