Yii2 Application Development Cookbook
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In this chapter, you learned how to create various types of Yii extensions. Now we'll talk about how to share your results with people and why it's important.
Let's form a checklist for a good extension first. A good programming product should follow these points:
Good coding style
People should be able to find it
A consistent, easy to read, and easy to use API
Good documentation
Extension should apply to the most common use cases
Should be maintained
Well-tested code, ideally with unit tests
You need to provide support for it
Of course, having all these requires a lot of work, but these are necessary to create a good product.
Every modern PHP product must follow the PSR4 standards of autoloading and the PSR1 and PSR2 standards of the coding style from the http://www.php-fig.org/psr/ guide.
Let's review our list in more detail, starting with the API. The API should be consistent, easy to read, and easy to use. Consistent means that the overall...
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