IoT Penetration Testing Cookbook

Apart from the visual exterior analysis, reconnaissance consists of two steps-opening the device and looking at the various chips present, and finding information from its datasheet.
Let's get into each of them.
The first step in a hardware reconnaissance process is to open up the device. This process's complexity can range from being extremely simple to highly complex depending on the device you are working with.
In some of the devices, you will find that the screws are hidden beneath rubber pads on the legs, while in other cases they will be largely exposed, and in others still, the two different sections might be welded together.
Depending on how the device has been put together, use the appropriate tools to take apart the different sections. It is also recommended to have a good set of screwdrivers along with you for the entire hardware exploitation process, as varying devices will have many different kinds of screws used in them.