Learning Penetration Testing with Python
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The PTES has seven different phases, namely Pre-engagement Interactions, Intelligence Gathering, Threat Modeling, Vulnerability Analysis, Exploitation, Post Exploitation, and Reporting. Each engagement will follow these phases to some extent, but an experienced assessor will move from one phase to the next smoothly and relatively seamlessly. The biggest benefit of using a methodology is that it allows assessors to evaluate an environment holistically and consistently. Being consistent with an assessment means a couple of things:
All methodologies or frameworks provide these benefits, but PTES like the OWASP has an additional benefit for new assessors. Within PTES, there are a number of technical guidelines that relate to the different environments that an assessor may encounter. In these technical guidelines, there are suggestions for how to address and evaluate an environment with industry standard tools.
A caveat to this is that the technical guidelines are not run books; they will not provide an assessor the means to step into an engagement and execute it from start to finish. Only experience and exposure to an environment will provide an assessor the means to deal with most situations that he/she encounters. It should be noted that no two environments are identical; there are nuances to each organization, company, or firm. These differences mean that even a very experienced assessor will find moments that will stump him/her. When standard exploits do not work, testers can have tunnel vision; sticking to a methodology will prevent that.
In highly secure environments, assessors will often have to become creative and chain exploits to achieve the set goals and objectives. One of my old teammates eloquently defined creative and complex exploits as follows: "They are a sign of desperation by a penetration tester." This humorous analogy also highlights when an assessor will grow his/her skills.
How an assessor knows when he/she needs to execute these complex exploits is by knowing that all the simple stuff has failed; as a real attacker uses the path of least resistance so should an assessor. When this fails, and only when this fails, should an assessor start ratcheting up the necessary skill level. You as an assessor are evaluating an environment's ability to resist the actions of malicious actors.
These protections are bricks in a building, built up over time and result in a secure posture by forming a defense. Much like American Football, if an organization has not mastered the fundamental components of a strong defense, there is no way it can defend against a trick play. So, we as assessors should start from the bottom and work our way up, itemizing the issues.
This does not mean that if one path is found, an assessor should stop; he/she should identify critical data locations and prove that these can be compromised. The assessor should also highlight other paths that a real attacker could take to reach critical data. Being able to identify multiple paths and methods related to compromising critical data again requires a methodical approach. The seven phases are an example of controlling the flow of engagement.
The first phase of PTES is for all the pre-engagement work, and without a doubt, this is the most important phase for a smooth and successful engagement. Any shortcuts taken here or undue haste to complete this phase can have a significant impact on the rest of the assessment. This phase starts off typically by an organization creating a request for an assessment. Examples of assessments that may be requested usually fall into one of the following broad categories:
The organization may contact an assessor directory or provide a Request for Proposal (RFP), which will detail the type of environment, the assessment required, and the expectations of what it wants delivered. On the basis of this RFP, multiple assessment firms or individual Limited Liability Corporations (LLCs) will bid on the work related to the environment details. The party whose bid best matches the work requested, price, the associated scope, timeline, and capabilities will usually win the work.
The Statement of Work (SOW), which details the work that will be performed and the final products, is usually part of an Engagement Letter (EL) or contract that contains all the required legal details as well. Once the EL is signed, the fine tuning of the scope can begin. Typically, these discussions are the first time an assessment team will encounter the scope creep. This is where the client may try to add on or extend the promised level of work to get more than it may have promised to pay for. This is usually not intentional, but in rare occurrences, it is due to a miscommunication between the writers of the RFP, the returned answers for the questions that the assessors ask, and the final EL or SOW.
Often, small adjustments or extensions of work may be granted, but larger asks are pushed off as they may be perceived as working for free. The final scope is then documented for the portion of the engagement that is going to be executed. Sometimes, a single EL will cover multiple engagement portions, and more than one follow-on discussion may be needed. The big thing to remember in this phase is that as an assessor, you are working with a customer, and we should be helpful and flexible to aid it in reaching its goals.
In addition to the scope creep, which is created during the initial engagement scoping, there are often opportunities for the client to increase the scope during the engagement execution. This often comes with the client asking for work extensions or additional resource testing after the testing has started. Any modification to the scope should not only be carefully considered due to resources and timing, it should also be completed in some documented form, such as e-mail, signed and authorized letter, or other non-reputable confirmations of the request.
Most importantly, any scope adjustments should be done by the personnel authorized to make such decisions. These considerations are all part of keeping the engagement legal and safe. People signing these documents have to understand the risks related to meeting deadlines, assessing the specific environment, and keeping the stakeholders satisfied.
The goals of the engagement are defined during this particular phase, along with approvals that may be necessary by other parties. If a company hosts its environment on a cloud provider infrastructure or other shared resources, an approval will be needed from this organization as well. All parties that approve the activity typically require the start and end dates of the testing, and source Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, so that they can validate the activity as not truly malicious.
The other items that must be established at the beginning of the assessment are points of contact for both normal reporting of assessments and emergency situations. If a resource is thought to have been taken offline by an assessor's activity, the assessor needs to follow-up with the point of contact, immediately. Additionally, if a critical vulnerability is found, or if there is a belief that a resource has already been compromised by a real malicious actor, the assessor should immediately contact the primary point of contact if possible, and the emergency contact if not.
This contact should come after the assessor has captured the necessary proof of concepts to show that the resource may have already been compromised or that there is a critical vulnerability. The reason the capturing of a proof of concept is completed prior to contact is that the reporting of these issues usually means that the resource is taken offline. Once it is offline, the assessor may have no ability to follow-up and prove the statements he/she makes in the final report.
A proof of concept is typically a screen capture of a particular data type, event train, exposure, exploit, or compromise.
In addition to reporting unforeseen and critical events, a regular status meeting should be scheduled. This can be weekly, daily, or more often or less often, depending on the client's requests. The status meeting should cover what the assessor has done, what they plan to do, and any deviations noted for the timeline that could impact the final report delivery.
Related to product and final report delivery, there has to be a secure method to deliver the details of the engagement. The balance here comes from the following factors, the client's capabilities and knowledge level, the solutions available to the assessment team, how secure the data can be made, and the client's abilities and requests. Two of the best options are secure delivery servers, or Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) encryption. Sometimes, these options are not available or one of the parties cannot implement or use them. At this point, other forms of data protection should be determined.
A big caveat here is that password protected documents, portable document formats, and zip files typically do not have strong forms of encryption, but they are better than nothing. These still require a password to be transmitted back and forth to open up the data. The password should be transmitted when possible by some other method, or a different channel than the actual data. For example, if the data is sent by e-mail, the password should be provided by a phone call, text message, or carrier pigeon. The actual risks related to this will be highlighted in the later chapters when we discuss password spray attacks against web interfaces and methods to crack the perimeter. The last part of the pre-engagement discussion relates to how the test will be conducted: White Box, Grey Box, or Black Box.
White Box testing is also known as Clear Box testing or Crystal Box testing. The term could be any of the three, but what it basically amounts to is an informed attacker or informed insider. There are multiple arguments about what the appropriate term is, but at the end of the day, this type of assessment highlights the risk related to malicious insiders or attackers who have access to significantly exposed information. The assessor is provided intimate details related to what is on the network, how it operates, and even potential weaknesses, such as infrastructure design, IP addresses, and subnets. With extremely short timelines, this type of assessment is very beneficial. Stepping back from fully exposed information or the curtain being pulled back completely is the Grey Box format.
Assessments that follow the Grey Box format have the assessor-provided basic information. This includes targets, areas of acceptable testing, and operating systems or embedded device brands. Organizations typically also itemize what IDS/IPS is in place so that if the assessor starts seeing erroneous results, he/she can identify the cause. Grey Box assessments are the most common type of assessment, where organizations provide some information to improve the accuracy of the results and increase the timeliness of the feedback; at the end, it may reduce the cost of the engagement.
The number of Black Box engagements that an assessor will encounter is roughly the same as that of White Box engagements, and they are the exact opposite side of the spectrum. Assessors are provided no information other than the organization that they are going to assess. The assessor identifies resources, which are active from extensive Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) gathering. Senior assessors should only execute these types of engagements, as they have to identify regions where the targets are live on externals and be extra quiet on internals.
Targets are always validated as authorized or owned by the requesting organization, prior to testing for the external assessment by the organization after initial research. A Black Box test is often part of a Double Blind test, which is also known as an assessment that is not only a test of their environment but also the monitoring and incident response capabilities of the organization.
Double Blind tests are most often part of a Black Box style engagement, but they can be done with Grey and White Box engagements as well. The key with Grey and White Box engagements is that the control of the testing period, attack vectors, and other information is much more difficult to keep a secret from the defensive teams. Engagements that are considered Double Blind must be well established prior to executing the engagements, which should include a post-mortem discussion and verification of what specific activity was detected and what should have been detected. The results of these types of engagements are very useful in determining how well the defensive teams' tools are tuned and the potential gaps in the processes. A Double Blind should only be executed if the organization has a mature security posture.
This is the second phase of PTES and is particularly important if the organization wants the assessment team to determine its external exposure. This is very common with the Black or Grey Box engagements related to external perimeter tests. During this phase of the engagement, an assessor will use registries such as the American Registry of Internet Numbers (ARIN) or other regional registries, information repositories query tools such as WhoIs, Shodan, Robtex, social media sites, and tools like Recon-ng and the Google Hacking Database (GHDB).
In addition to external assessments, the data gathered during this phase is perfect for building profiles for social engineering and physical engagements. The components discovered about an organization and its people, would provide an assessor the means to interact with the employees. This is done in hope that employees will divulge information or pretext it so that critical data can be extracted. For technical engagements, research done on job sites, company websites, regional blogs, and campus maps can help build word lists for dictionary attacks. Specific data sets such as the local sports teams, player names, street names, and company acronyms are often very popular as passwords.
Merriam Webster defines "pretext" as an alleged purpose or motive or an appearance assumed in order to cloak the real intention or state of affairs.
Tools like Cewl can be used to extract words on these websites, and then, the words can be manipulated with John the Ripper to permutate the data, with character substitution. These lists are very useful for dictionary attacks against login interfaces, or for cracking extracted hashes from the organization.
Permutation is very common with password attacks and interface password-guessing attacks. Merriam Webster defines "permutation" as one of the many different ways or forms in which something exists or can be arranged.
Other details that can be advantageous to an assessor are the technology that the organization lists in job advertisements, employee LinkedIn profiles, technical partnerships, and recent news articles. This will provide the assessor intelligence about the types of assets he/she may encounter and the major upgrades on the horizon. This allows the work done on site to be better targeted and researched prior to execution.
The third phase of PTES is threat modeling, and for most engagements, this phase is skipped. Threat modeling is more often part of a separate engagement that is to itemize potential threats that an organization may face on the basis of a number of factors. This data is used to help build case studies to identify real threats that would take advantage of the organization's vulnerabilities to manifest into risks. Often, the case studies are used to quantify specific penetration tests over a period of time to determine how resolute the security strategy is and what factors had not been considered.
The components for research are expanded outside of standard intelligence gathering to include associated business, business models, third parties, reputation, and news articles related to insightful topics. In addition to what is found, there are always particles that an assessor will not be able to determine due to time, exposure, and documented facts. Threat modeling is largely theoretical, but it is based on the indicators found and past incidents in the market that the business resides in.
When threat modeling is used as part of a penetration test, the details from the intelligence gathering phase and the threat modeling phase are rolled back into the pre-engagement phase. The identified details help build an engagement and reveal the type of malicious actor that an assessor should be impersonating. Common types of threats that organizations face are as follows:
Here are a couple of things to always keep in mind when assessing threats, any one of these types of threats can be an insider. All it takes is a single phishing e-mail, or one disgruntled employee who broadcasts credentials or accesses, for an organization to be open to compromise. Other ways that an insider may unintentionally provide access include technical forums, support teams, and blogs.
Technical and administrative support teams frequent blogs, forums, and other locations, where they may post configurations or settings in search of help. Anytime this happens, internal data is exposed to the ether, and often, these configurations hold encrypted or unencrypted credentials, access controls, or other security features.
So, does this mean that every organization is threatened by insiders, and the range of experience may not be limited to that of the actual insider? Insiders are also the hardest threat to mitigate. Most penetration tests do not include credentials to simulate an insider. In my experience, this is only done by an organization that has a mature security posture. This state is typically reached only through a variety of security assessments to include multiple threats simulated through penetration tests.
Most organizations do not support an internal credentialed assessment, unless they have had a number of uncredentialed engagements, where the findings have been mitigated. Even then, it is only by organizations that have a strong desire to simulate realistic threats with a Board-level buy-in. Besides insiders, the rest of the threats can be evaluated by looking at multiple factors; an example of past incident association can be found by looking at the Verizon Data Breach Investigation Report (DBIR).
The Verizon DBIR uses reported compromises and aggregates the results to attribute, by market, the types of incidents that are the most frequently identified. This information should be taken in context though, as this is only for incidents that were caught or reported. Often, the caught incident may not have been the manner that initially led to the follow-on compromise.
Threats to market change every year, so the results of a report created in one year would not be useful for research the following year. As such, any reader interested in this information should download a current version from http://www.verizonenterprise.com/DBIR/. Additionally, make sure to choose which vector to simulate on the basis of additional research related to exposed information, and other reports. It would be unprofessional to execute an assessment on the basis of assumptions from a single form of research.
Most of the time, organizations already know what type of engagement they need or want. The interaction of this phase and the described research is typically what is requested from industry experts, and not from new assessors. So, do not be surprised if stepping into doing this work, you see few requests to do assessments that include this phase of work, at least initially.
Up until this phase, most, if not all, of the research done has not touched an organizational resource; instead, the details have been extracted from other repositories. In the fourth phase of PTES, the assessor is about to identify viable targets for further research Testing. This deals directly with port scans, banner grabs, exposed services, system and service responses, and version identification. These items though seemingly minute, are the fulcrum for gaining access to an organization.
The secret to becoming a great assessor from a technical perspective lies in this phase. The reason for this is that the majority of an assessor's time is spent here, particularly early in one's career. Assessors research what is exposed, what vulnerabilities are viable, and what methods can be used to exploit these systems. Assessors who spend years doing this are the ones you will often see speeding through this phase because they have the experience to find methods to target attacks and gain access. Do not be fooled by this, as for one, they have spent many years cataloging this data through experience and two, there are always occasions where even a great assessor will spend hours in this phase because an organization may have a unique or hardened posture.
The great secret of penetration testing, which is usually not relayed in movies, magazines, and/or books, is that penetration testing is primarily research, grinding, and report writing. If I had to gauge the average percentage of time that a good new assessor spends during an engagement, 70 percent would be on research or grinding to find applicable targets or a viable vulnerability, 15 percent on communication with the client, 10 percent on report writing, and 5 percent on exploitation. As mentioned though, these percentages shift as assessors gain more experience.
Most assessors who fail or have a bad engagement are caused by pushing through the phases, and not executing competent research. The benefit of spending the required time here is that the next phase related to exploitation will flow very quickly. One thing that assessors and malicious actors both know is that once a foothold in the organization has been grabbed, it is basically over. Chapter 3, Identifying Targets with Nmap, Scapy, and Python, covers activities completed in this phase at length.
Phase five is the exploitation phase, and this is where the fun really begins. Most of the chapters focus on the previous phase's vulnerability analysis, or this phase. This phase is where all the previous work has led to actually gaining access to a system. Common terms for gaining system access are popped, shelled, cracked, or exploited. When you hear or read these terms, you know that you should be gaining access to a system.
Exploitation does not just mean access to a system via a piece of code, remote exploit, creation of an exploit, or bypassing antivirus. It could be as simple as logging into a system directly with default or weak credentials. Though many newer assessors look at this as less desirable, experienced assessors try and find ways to access hosts through native protocols and accesses. This is because native access is less likely to be detected and it is closer to the real activity that a malicious actor may be performing.
If you are new to penetration testing, there are some specific times during exploitation where you will be very excited, and these are often looked at as goals:
These so-called goals are typically measuring sticks for experience among assessors, and even within organizational teams. After you have achieved these first-time exploit goals, you will be looking to expand your skills to even higher levels.
Once you have gained access to a system, you need to do something with that access. When looking at the difference between seasoned professionals and the new assessors in the field, the delineation is not exploitation, but post exploitation. The reason for this is that initial access does not get you to the data, but the follow-on, the pivot, and the post exploitation typically does.
A pivot is the method of taking advantage of a new position during an assessment to assess resources that are normally not accessible. Most people equate pivoting to setting up a route in Metasploit, but it also relates to attacking or assessing resources from a different compromised device.
Out of all phases, this is where you see a shift in the time spent by assessors. New assessors usually spend more time in phase four or the vulnerability analysis phase, while seasoned assessors spend an enormous amount of time here. Phase six is also known as the post exploitation phase; the escalation of privileges, hunting for credentials, extraction of data, and pivoting are all done here.
This is where an assessor has the opportunity to prove risk to an organization by proving the level of access achieved, the amount and type of critical data accessed, and the security controls bypassed. All of this is typified in the post exploitation phase.
Just like phase five, phase six has specific events that are typically goals for newer assessors. Just like exploitation goals, once these post exploitation goals have been completed, you will be shooting for even more complex achievements in this security specialization.
The following are examples of these measuring sticks between new assessors and competent assessors:
The post exploitation phase includes activities related to escalating privileges, extracting data, profiling, creating persistence, parsing user data and configurations, and clean-up. All activities performed after a system has been accessed and transitions to system examination relate to post exploitation. Once an engagement is over, all the access levels achieved, the critical data accessed, and the security controls bypassed are highlighted in a single document, the report.
The most important phase related to penetration testing not just with PTES is reporting. At the end of the day, your client is requesting and paying for a report. The only thing he/she can hold in his/her hands at the end of the engagement is the report. The report is also what translates the risks that the assessor identified in the environment.
A good report has an executive summary, which targets personnel who are part of the Chief suite and or the Advisory Board. It should also contain a storyline to explain what was done during the engagement, the actual security findings or weaknesses, and the positive controls that the organization has established. Each noted security finding should include a proof of concept when possible.
A proof of concept is just that; you are proving the existence of an exception to a secure state through exploitation. So, each identified finding should include a screen capture related to the activity conducted, such as weak passwords, exploited systems, and critical data accessed.
Just like the security findings identified in the organization, any positive findings need to be noted and described. The positive findings help to tell an organization what has actually impacted a simulated malicious actor. It also tells an organization where it should keep its investments, as the report and the engagement provide tangible proof that it is working.
The following section highlights how an assessor achieves access, elevates privileges, and potentially gains access to critical data at a high level. This example should provide the context for the tools covered in the rest of this chapter and the following chapters. It should be noted that phases four, five, and six or the vulnerability analysis, exploitation, and post exploitation phases, respectively, of PTES are repetitive. Each one of these phases will be executed throughout an assessment. To better highlight this, the following scenario is a very common exploit train conducted by newer assessors today, which shows what tools are used. This is not to show how to complete the commands to complete this on your own, but to highlight the phase flow, and the tools used for each phase can be nebulous.
As an assessment is conducted, an assessor will identify vulnerabilities, exploit them as needed, and then escalate privileges and extract data after exploitation or post exploitation. Sometimes, a single action may be considered a combination of vulnerability analysis and exploitation, or exploitation and post exploitation phase activities. As an example of repetitive steps, after an assessor identifies a Windows XP host and determines whether it has the vulnerability MS08-067, the assessor exploits it with the associated Metasploit module called ms08_067
. The assessor will escalate privileges and then extract hashes from the exploited system by using the smart_hashdump
module. The assessor will then copy the local administrator hash from the extracted hashes, which is correlated to the Security Identifier (SID) of 500 stored in the pwdump
hash format.
The assessor will scan all the hosts in the area and determine whether the hosts have port 445 open by using the nmap
tool. These may be viable targets for a Pass-the-Hash (PtH) attack, but the assessor has to determine whether these hosts have the same local administrator password. So, the assessor creates a list of IP addresses with the open port 445 Server Message Block (SMB) over IP, by parsing the output with the Unix/Linux tools cat, grep, and cut. With this list, the assessor executes an SMB login with the smb_login
Metasploit module against all the hosts in the newly created list, with the local administrator hash, and the Domain set to WORKGROUP
Each host that responds with a successful login would be a viable target for a PtH attack. The assessor has to find a host with new information or critical data that would be beneficial for the engagement to move forward. Since the assessor has a foothold on the network through the Windows XP box, he/she would just need to find out who the Domain Administrators are and where they are logged in.
So, he/she would query members of the Domain Admins group from the Domain that the Windows XP host was attached to with the enum_domain_group_users
Metasploit module. The assessor could then identify where the Domain Admins were logged into with the community Metasploit module called loggedin_users
or the built-in modules called psexec_loggedin_users or enum_domain_users
. Hosts that had responded with a successful login message from the smb_login
module would be tested with either of the modules and the relevant domain name. The hosts that responded with the username of one of the Domain Administrators on it would be the best place to exploit. The assessor could then execute a PtH attack and drop a payload on the box with the psexec
Metasploit module. This would be done with the same local administrator hash and domain set to WORKGROUP
Once a foothold was established on that system, the assessor can determine whether the Domain Administrator was logged into the system currently or had done so in the past. The assessor could query the system and identify the currently logged in users, and if they were active. If the user was currently active in the session, the assessor could set up a key logger with Metasploit and lock the screen with the smartlocker module. This used to be broken up into multiple modules in the past, but today, we are efficient. When the user unlocked the screen, he/she would enter the credentials for the account and in turn provide them to the assessor.
If the user was not currently active, the assessor could try and extract the credentials from memory with tools like Mimikatz, by loading the capability into the Meterpreter session with load mimikatz
and running wdigest
. If no credentials were in memory, the assessor could try and impersonate the user by stealing a token that remained in memory for the cached credentials by loading the Incognito tool into Meterpreter with the load incognito
command. Using this access, the assessor could then create a new user on the domain and then add the user to the Domain Admins group on Domain Controller. To identify the applicable domain controller, the assessor would ping the domain name, which would respond with the IP of the DC.
Finally, the assessor could create his/her new malicious user with the add_user
command and add_group_user
to the Domain Admins group pointed to the DC IP with the -h
flag. This Domain Administrator may provide additional accesses around the network or have the ability to create and/or modify an additional account with the relevant accesses as needed. As you can see in these steps, there were multiple examples of the three phases that repeat. Go through the following list to see how each activity applies to a specific phase:
Now, experienced assessors will often complete the necessary activity related to the vulnerability analysis and catalog the data early if they can. So, creating lists of hosts with port 445 open, the DC IP address, and other details would have been done early on in the assessment. This way if the engagement is part of a Double Blind assessment, the assessor can move quickly to gain privileged access before he/she is caught. Now that the methodology and organization of an assessment has been laid out, we need to look at what tools are used currently.
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