Mastering OAuth 2.0

In order to see how OAuth 2.0 solves this problem of sharing resources, let's look at how this problem was solved before OAuth 2.0 was created.
Imagine that you have just signed up for the service GoodApp. As a new user, you don't have any contacts. GoodApp wants to suggest contacts for you to add by looking at your Facebook friends. If any of your Facebook friends are on GoodApp, it will suggest that you add them.
Before the creation of OAuth 2.0, this was solved in a very insecure way. GoodApp would ask you for your username and password for Facebook. GoodApp would then log into Facebook on your behalf to get your friends. This interaction can be looked at like this:
Here is how it works:
Why is this a bad idea? There are five key reasons:
Now, let's take a look at that interaction, but this time utilizing the OAuth 2.0 protocol. In this scenario, GoodApp would "ask" Facebook for your friend list. You give permission to this by logging into Facebook and approving the request. Once the request is approved, GoodApp would then be able to fetch your friend list from Facebook on your behalf.
Let's have a look at the flow:
Why is this better? Five key reasons to contrast the five points in the previous example: