Web Penetration Testing with Kali Linux

Low Orbit Ion Cannon (LOIC) is network stress testing tool, meaning it is designed to test how much traffic a target can handle for planning future resource expectations. The software has inspired other similar software such as JavaScript, LOIC, which allows a user to do stress testing directly from a web browser.
The software was famously used by Anonymous to help them facilitate DDoS attacks against several websites, including some very well-known public entities. Some legal arguments have been made that LOIC is similar to going to a website several thousand times; however, some American law enforcement groups treat the use of LOIC as a violation of the computer security and fraud act.
To install LOIC, Open a terminal window and type:
apt-get update aptitude install git-core monodevelop apt-get install mono-gmcs
Once that is complete, go to the desktop directory using cd/Desktop
and create a folder named loic
using the following command:
mkdir loic
Navigate to that folder...
Change the font size
Change margin width
Change background colour