Software Architecture for Busy Developers
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To make sure you realize the importance of the ecosystem, I have mapped a few typical cloud architecture styles and design patterns to some cloud services. These services help you achieve results faster and better. You can rely on them to boost your productivity and comply with many NFRs out of the box. This does not mean that you cannot work with similar patterns on-premises, nor that you are restricted to the services depicted in Figures 6.5 and 6.6, but this should give you a solid overview.
To illustrate the mapping between the patterns and the services, I considered Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS) because they are the two leading cloud providers at the time of writing:
Figure 6.5 – Azure services mapped to patterns
The circles with a thick border are the patterns, while the other circles represent the cloud services. For example, if you must build a SAGA (which I will explain...