Digital Transformation and Modernization with IBM API Connect
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You started this chapter by installing and configuring a local development (Designer) and a testing environment (LTE). After getting a brief introduction to the OpenAPI Specification (OAS), you put your local environment to good use by developing a simple API Proxy. This simple proxy creation exercise should have helped you get your feet wet and prepare you for a long swim in the pool of APIC.
This chapter then took you into a deep dive into the extensive development framework features provided by the APIC platform. You were introduced to many Policy types (Built-in and Custom) and Logic constructs, with a particular focus on the Invoke policy. With the introduction to variables, you learned about various context variables (request and message, especially) available to you for the fetching and manipulation of data flowing through the API. API properties and their usage in an Invoke Policy taught you methods for building environment-specific dynamic target URLs.
As you...