In order to run the Bloggest web application, it requires that the Elasticsearch data store be up and running. The following command can be used to start Elasticsearch:
$ <Path to Elasticsearch>/bin/elasticsearch
When everything is put together, build and run the Bloggest, which you will be able to access using the http://<host>:<port> URL.
There are several ways to run a Spring Boot application, some of them are mentioned here:
- Running the Spring Boot application main class using an IDE.
- Building a JAR or WAR file using the following Maven command and then running:
$ mvn clean install
$ java -jar target/<package-name>.[jar|war]
- Running using a Spring Boot Maven plugin:
$ mvn clean spring-boot:run
After running, the Bloggest web application will show the List Articles page as follows:

In this page, the header, footer, and right...