Kotlin Blueprints
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This will be real fun. Like the previous JavaScript chapter, we would like to separate our basic setup and project creation. These steps require us to be extra cautious.
Node.js is a very popular JavaScript Framework. It's been very well supported by different IDEs, such as WebStorm, Cloud 9, Eclipse, Komodo, and so on. All of them have built-in features that a developer requires to build the Node.js app. However, we cannot choose most of these IDEs (remember, we need an IDE that supports Kotlin). We will have to go with IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, which supports both Kotlin and Node.JS (via plugin). Just install it from https://www.jetbrains.com/idea, and you are all set to create your first Node.js project using Kotlin.
Installing Node.js is pretty straightforward. Go to https://nodejs.org/en/download/ and choose an appropriate OS and platform that is applicable to you. Once you have successfully installed Node.js...