JBoss Fuse is a combination of several open source technologies, including Apache Camel, Apache CXF, Apache ActiveMQ, Apache Karaf, and Fabric8 in a single integrated distribution:

Apache Camel provides a powerful routing engine, on top of which developers can build integration scenarios.
Apache CXF provides both REST and SOAP web services support, while Apache AMQ brings an integrated and robust messaging system to the platform. While working with JBoss Fuse, you can choose either Apache Karaf or JBoss EAP distribution. With the Karaf distribution, you can also opt for a standalone installation or a clustered environment with a container managed by Fabric8.
The JBoss Fuse-based integration applications can also be run on a fully certified Java EE platform, such as JBoss EAP.
Fuse Integration Services (FIS) extends the Fuse integration capabilities to...