One option for creating our Spring 5.0 projects is through Maven. The STS Eclipse 3.8 has built-in Maven plugins that will create Maven-ready Eclipse projects easily.

Spring 5.0 Cookbook
By :

One option for creating our Spring 5.0 projects is through Maven. The STS Eclipse 3.8 has built-in Maven plugins that will create Maven-ready Eclipse projects easily.
Before creating the first Maven project, check first the JRE workspace configuration of your IDE. As noted in the previous recipe, the JRE of your Eclipse must be set to the JDK's JRE. Moreover, check the embedded version of Maven installed in STS Eclipse 3.8 through the Windows | Preferences panel. STS 3.8 will be using its embedded Maven 3.0 for the deployment operations. The list of Maven versions is available at
Follow the steps to create Maven Projects for our succeeding code snippets as follows:
<build> <finalName>ch01-spring5-cookbook</finalName> <plugins> <plugin> <artifactId>maven-war-plugin</artifactId> <version>2.3</version> <configuration> <failOnMissingWebXml>false</failOnMissingWebXml> </configuration> </plugin> </plugins> </build>
Apache Maven is already a built-in plugin in Eclipse and helps developers manage projects and use some build tools to clean, install, and deploy Eclipse projects. It has the main configuration file which is called the Project Object Model (POM) file.
POM is the fundamental unit of work in Maven that contains information and configuration details about the project. Some core information in POM is <modelVersion>, which currently must be set to 4.0.0, <groupId>, that identifies the project uniquely together with <projectId> and <versionId> across all projects in the Maven repository, <artifactId>, which is the name of the WAR file without the version, and <packaging>, which is WAR.
Later in this book, we will be adding <properties> and <dependencies> and <plugins> for our Spring 5.0 code recipes in our pom.xml file.