Introduction to JVM Languages
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Leiningen is the de facto build tool used for Clojure development. The project's tagline speaks for itself:
For automating Clojure projects without setting your hair on fire.
The Counterclockwise plugin bundles Leiningen as part of its installation, but the bundled version is out of date at the time of writing this book. We, therefore, recommend you to install the latest version manually. We'll show how to configure Counterclockwise so that it can use your Leiningen installation.
Refer to the Leiningen website at http://leiningen.org for more information.
Leiningen's installation procedure is straightforward. In the project's main website, find the Install
section. Here you can download an install script for Linux and macOS and a version for Windows. Place this script in a directory. Follow these steps to run the script: