We will use Spring Initializr (http://start.spring.io) to initialize a Kotlin project. The following screenshot shows the Group and ArtifactId to choose from:

The following are a couple of important things to note:
- Choose Web as the dependency
- Choose Kotlin as the language (second drop-down at the top of the screenshot)
- Click on Generate Project and import the downloaded project into the eclipse as a Maven project
The following screenshot shows the structure of the generated project:

The following are some of the important things to note:
- src/main/kotlin: This is the folder where all the Kotlin source code is present. This is similar to src/main/java in a Java project.
- src/test/kotlin: This is the folder where all the Kotlin test code is present. This is similar to src/test/java in a Java project.
- Resource folders are the same as...