Suspend everything you know about Java (and programming in general) for a moment, and let's make some observations about our world. These may sound like obvious statements, but as developers, we can easily overlook them. Bring your attention to the fact that everything is in motion. Traffic, weather, people, conversations, financial transactions, and so on are all moving. Technically, even something stationary as a rock is in motion due to the earth's rotation and orbit. When you consider the possibility that everything can be modeled as in motion, you may find it a bit overwhelming as a developer.
Another observation to note is that these different events are happening concurrently. Multiple activities are happening at the same time. Sometimes, they act independently, but other times, they can converge at some point to interact. For instance, a car can drive with no impact on a person jogging. They are two separate streams of events. However, they may converge at some point and the car will stop when it encounters the jogger.
If this is how our world works, why do we not model our code this way?. Why do we not model code as multiple concurrent streams of events or data happening at the same time? It is not uncommon for developers to spend more time managing the states of objects and doing it in an imperative and sequential manner. You may structure your code to execute Process 1, Process 2, and then Process 3, which depends on Process 1 and Process 2. Why not kick-off Process 1 and Process 2 simultaneously, and then the completion of these two events immediately kicks-off Process 3? Of course, you can use callbacks and Java concurrency tools, but RxJava makes this much easier and safer to express.
Let's make one last observation. A book or music CD is static. A book is an unchanging sequence of words and a CD is a collection of tracks. There is nothing dynamic about them. However, when we read a book, we are reading each word one at a time. Those words are effectively put in motion as a stream being consumed by our eyes. It is no different with a music CD track, where each track is put in motion as sound waves and your ears are consuming each track. Static items can, in fact, be put in motion too. This is an abstract but powerful idea because we made each of these static items a series of events. When we level the playing field between data and events by treating them both the same, we unleash the power of functional programming and unlock abilities you previously might have thought impractical. The fundamental idea behind reactive programming is that events are data and data are events. This may seem abstract, but it really does not take long to grasp when you consider our real-world examples. The runner and car both have properties and states, but they are also in motion. The book and CD are put in motion when they are consumed. Merging the event and data to become one allows the code to feel organic and representative of the world we are modeling.

Learning RxJava
By :

Learning RxJava
Overview of this book
RxJava is a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using Observable sequences for the JVM, allowing developers to build robust applications in less time.
Learning RxJava addresses all the fundamentals of reactive programming to help readers write reactive code, as well as teach them an effective approach to designing and implementing reactive libraries and applications.
Starting with a brief introduction to reactive programming concepts, there is an overview of Observables and Observers, the core components of RxJava, and how to combine different streams of data and events together. You will also learn simpler ways to achieve concurrency and remain highly performant, with no need for synchronization. Later on, we will leverage backpressure and other strategies to cope with rapidly-producing sources to prevent bottlenecks in your application. After covering custom operators, testing, and debugging, the book dives into hands-on examples using RxJava on Android as well as Kotlin.
Table of Contents (14 chapters)
Thinking Reactively
Observables and Subscribers
Basic Operators
Combining Observables
Multicasting, Replaying, and Caching
Concurrency and Parallelization
Switching, Throttling, Windowing, and Buffering
Flowables and Backpressure
Transformers and Custom Operators
Testing and Debugging
RxJava on Android
Using RxJava for Kotlin New
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