Another useful module in the Akka ecosystem is Akka persistence. In some use cases, the state held by stateful actors is essential for your application to behave correctly. This kind of application cannot afford to lose that state. This could happen if the actor holding the state gets restarted; it is migrated to a different node in a cluster, or your JVM crashes. Akka persistence comes in handy with this task: it provides a mechanism to save the state and be able to recover it. Unlike traditional approaches, Akka persistence uses event sourcing to achieve this task. In the event sourcing world, we never store the actual state but an ordered set of events that happened in the actor to achieve that particular state. This way, we have a log of events that we can use to restore the state of an actor when required. Also, this technique provides a way of understanding how an actor reached its current...

Akka Cookbook
By :

Akka Cookbook
Overview of this book
Akka is an open source toolkit that simplifies the construction of distributed and concurrent applications on the JVM. This book will teach you how to develop reactive applications in Scala using the Akka framework.
This book will show you how to build concurrent, scalable, and reactive applications in Akka. You will see how to create high performance applications, extend applications, build microservices with Lagom, and more.
We will explore Akka's actor model and show you how to incorporate concurrency into your applications. The book puts a special emphasis on performance improvement and how to make an application available for users. We also make a special mention of message routing and construction.
By the end of this book, you will be able to create a high-performing Scala application using the Akka framework.
Table of Contents (12 chapters)
Diving into Akka
Supervision and Monitoring
Routing Messages
Using Futures and Agents
Scheduling Actors and Other Utilities
Akka Persistence
Remoting and Akka Clustering
Akka Streams
Understanding Various Akka patterns
Microservices with Lagom
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