Dart MythBusters
There are some prejudgments about Dart, usually from frontend developers who have never used it or for some reason decided that they don't want to use it at any cost:
It's just another abstraction layer like CoffeeScript or TypeScript and will become redundant with ECMAScript 6: Dart is more than this. It's a full-stack, modern, object-oriented, class-based language with its own standalone VM, IDE, debugger, profiler, and everything (see Chapter 1, Getting Started with Dart). It takes the best from many of today's languages. You can watch the keynote from Dart Summit 2015 about future plans with Dart (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiXiI2Atexc).
It looks like C or Java; it's unnecessarily complicated to do anything with it: More or less, your code is going to be the same length as vanilla JavaScript plus jQuery. You can see a list of synonyms of Dart and other languages at https://www.dartlang.org/docs/synonyms/.
It's not natively supported anywhere and never will: The...