Thriving in Android Development Using Kotlin
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In this chapter, we primarily focused on structuring and modularizing our Packtagram app while enhancing maintainability. Leveraging Jetpack Compose, we designed the components and screens for some of the features of the interface that we are going to be working on in the next chapters.
Additionally, this chapter delved into the intricacies of connecting the developed UI to the backend, which is pivotal for data management and operation handling. We implemented Retrofit for network operations and Moshi for JSON parsing, bridging the gap between the user interface and the data source. Moreover, we introduced the concept of paging to efficiently manage large datasets. By doing so, we ensured smoother data load, faster response times, and enhanced app performance overall, significantly improving the user’s experience.
In the next chapter, we will dive into the photo functionality of our app. We will use an incredible library called CameraX and take advantage of some...