Android 9 Development Cookbook
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These days, mobile devices are packed with sensors, often including a gyroscope, magnetic, gravity, pressure, and/or temperature sensors, not to mention the touchscreen. This provides many new and exciting options to interact with your user. Through the sensors, you can determine three-dimensional device location and how the device is being used, such as shaking, rotation, tilt, and so on. Even the touchscreen offers many new input methods from just the simple click to gestures and multi-touch.
We'll start this chapter by exploring touchscreen interactions, starting with a simple click and long-press, then move on to detecting common gestures using the SimpleOnGestureListener
class. Next, we'll look at multi-touch using the
pinch-to-zoom gesture with ScaleGestureDetector
This book is meant to offer a quick guide to adding features and functionality to your own applications. As such, the focus is on the code required but it's highly recommended that you become familiar with the...