Building Industrial Digital Twins
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Let's look at the high-level solution architecture in this section. In general, the solution architecture provides a reference architecture to solve a given set of business problems. It helps to drive the overall technical vision during the implementation stages. The following diagram shows our business problem statement visually. Our goal is to provide a solution architecture for this problem statement:
Figure 5.25 – Business problem for the Digital Twin
Image source: Technology Media Telecommunications (TMT), GeoActive Group: https://blog.geoactivegroup.com/2020/07/digital-twin-apps-in-industrial-markets.html
We distill the business problem down to the next level, as we evolve the solution architecture, in the following screenshot:
Figure 5.26 – Distilling the business problem to evolve the solution architecture
Image source: http://dx.doi.org/10.18775/ijied.1849-7551-7020...