FPGA Programming for Beginners
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We looked at the latch in Chapter 1, Introduction to FPGA Architectures and Xilinx Vivado, and we saw that it's not something we really want to be using. What FPGA designers use to store information is a register, or flip flop. Before we create our first flip flop, we need a quick introduction to clocks.
In the realm of digital logic, we usually need at least one source of timing in our design and often several. We call this source of timing a clock, which is usually generated by an external crystal oscillator that vibrates at a certain frequency and generates a string of 0
s and 1
s in our design. Sometimes we'll use the clock input directly, but if we need a specific frequency faster or slower than our input, we have other options such as Phase Locked Loops (PLLs) and Mixed Mode Clock Managers (MMCMs), which we'll discuss in Chapter 5, FPGA Resources and How to Use Them.
When we draw timing diagrams, we typically...