Building Bluetooth Low Energy Systems
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This is the closing chapter of this book, in which I have given you a glimpse into the future. The discussions about the future of the technology are ongoing, so it was almost impossible to cater to every possible future scenario. We briefly went through the history of technology and the future of IoT, with a special focus on the role of Bluetooth Low Energy. We also discussed technical and financial challenges, risks of Bluetooth mesh networks, and potential research scenarios for Bluetooth Low Energy security.
This is an open invitation for everyone to think how you can get the most out of this technology. Implement home projects, and take the initiative in converting your home into a smart home. Do not wait for smart cities to come to you; rather, make your home smart. There is much room for improvement in the technology, which can only be achieved by putting effort on small and big scales alike. If you think that Bluetooth does not provide some feature out of the box, develop...