Autodesk AutoCAD 2013 Practical 3D Drafting and Design
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Sometimes we need to cut 3D objects. Here is a command to perform this task. The PROJECTGEOMETRY
command (presented later in this chapter), although not being its main function, also allows cutting 3D objects.
Here is the most used command to cut solids and surfaces.
command (alias SL
) allows cutting solids and surfaces by a plane or an existing surface. We can maintain both parts or select one. We can also access this command on the ribbon, Home | Solid Editing, and on the Menu Bar, Modify | Solid Editing.
We start the command by selecting the objects to cut:
Command: SLICE Select objects to slice: Selection
We have to define the cutting plane. By default, we define a vertical cutting plane, specified by two points:
Specify start point of slicing plane or [planar Object/Surface/Zaxis/View/XY/YZ /ZX/3points] <3points>: Point Specify second point on lane: Point
Then, we specify a point to indicate which part we want...
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