There is a structure in Unreal Engine named Vector, which has three variables of the float type: X, Y, and Z. These values can be used to represent a point (or location) in 3D space. They can also be used as a mathematical vector and represent movement.
Let's first look at an example of using Vector as a point. The following screenshot has two Actors. One Actor represents a character and the other represents a couch:

The next screenshot shows the character's Location. The Location variable of the Transform structure is of the Vector type, and one Unreal unit equals 1.0 cm by default:

We can represent the character's Location simply as (50.0, 0.0, 20.0). The couch's Location is (450.0, 0.0, 20.0), which can be seen in the next screenshot:

Now, let's see how to use a vector to represent movement. We are going to instruct our character...