Azure Data Factory Cookbook
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Azure Data Factory can help you move very large datasets into the Azure ecosystem with speed and efficiency. The key to moving large datasets is data partitioning. The way you partition depends heavily on the nature of your data.In the following recipe, we will illustrate a methodology to utilize a data partitioning table for moving a large dataset. We will use a public Common Crawl dataset, which contains petabytes of web crawl data from 2008 to the present day. It is a public dataset hosted on the AWS S3 platform. We will only use a small subset of this data for our example, enough to illustrate the power of data factory parallel processing.
In order to access Amazon Web Services, such as an S3 bucket, you need to have proper credentials. These credentials consist of an access key ID (for example, AKFAGOKFOLNN7EXAMPL8) and the secret access key itself (for example, pUgkrUXtPFEer/PO9rbNG/bPxRgiMYEXAMPLEKEY). In this book, we will...