Applied Geospatial Data Science with Python
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Toward the end of Chapter 3, Working with Geographic and Projected Coordinate Systems, we introduced you to the Python packages: PyProj, GeoPandas, and Matplotlib. You may recall that we used GeoPandas to read in a shapefile of state capitals, plotted them using Matplotlib, and then projected the capitals using PyProj. Reading in geospatial data, projecting the data, and then plotting it are common steps in numerous geospatial data science initiatives. However, we’ve just started to scratch the surface in terms of introducing you to the entire universe of geospatial data science packages and the powerful solutions that are just a few keystrokes away.
In this chapter, we’ll provide you with a deeper understanding of what PyProj, GeoPandas, and Matplotlib are capable of. We’ll also introduce you to a wide array of other geospatial data science packages that you’ll rely upon during your work. Some of these packages...