Azure Synapse Analytics Cookbook
By :

Azure Synapse can take advantage of reading and writing data from the files that are placed in the ADLS2 using Apache Spark. You can read different file formats from Azure Storage with Synapse Spark using Python.
Apache Spark provides a framework that can perform in-memory parallel processing. On top of that, Spark pools help developers to debug and work more effectively as regards their production workloads.
We will be using the same public dataset that we used in Chapter 1, Choosing the Optimal Method for Loading Data to Synapse. To retrieve the dataset, you can go to the following URL: https://www.kaggle.com/microize/newyork-yellow-taxi-trip-data-2020-2019.
The prerequisites for this recipe are as follows:
Figure 2.1 – Apache Spark pool
Let's begin this recipe and see how you can read the data from ADLS2 using the Spark notebook within Synapse Studio. We will leverage the notebook capability of Azure Synapse to get connected to ADLS2 and read the data from it using PySpark:
, as shown in Figure 2.2, and select PySpark (Python) for Language:Figure 2.2 – Creating a new notebook
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession from pyspark.sql.types import * adls_path ='abfss://%s@%s.dfs.core.windows.net/%s' % ("taxistagingdata", "synapseadlsac","") mydataframe = spark.read.option('header','true') \ .option('delimiter', ',') \ .csv(adls_path + '/yellow_tripdata_2020-06.csv') mydataframe.show()
Please refer to Figure 2.3 for a better understanding of the execution and the results:
Figure 2.3 – Reading data from a CSV file
to an Integer
datatype and using sum
along with a groupBy
clause: mydataframe1 = mydataframe.withColumn("passenger_count" ,mydataframe["passenger_count"].cast(IntegerType())) mydataframe1.groupBy("VendorID","payment_type").sum("passenger_count").show()
You can refer to Figure 2.4 to see how it looks:
Figure 2.4 – Column datatype conversation
%%pyspark df = spark.read.load('abfss://[email protected]/yellow_tripdata_2019-01.csv', format='csv' , header=True ) df.write.mode("overwrite").saveAsTable("default.yellow_tripdata")
The following screenshot shows the result:
Figure 2.5 – Writing data to a Spark table
Figure 2.6 – Querying the Spark table
You can also create charts to analyze it on the fly, as shown in Figure 2.7:
Figure 2.7 – Charting data
The Spark pool gives you the flexibility to define the compute as per your needs. You can define the node size as Small, Large, xLarge, xxLarge, or xxxLarge, with up to 80 vCores/505 GB. The autoscale features provide you with the ability to automatically scale up and down based on the level of load and activity.
You can monitor the compute allocation using the Spark pool monitor to understand the vCore allocation, active applications, and concluded applications by date and time. This allows the developer to plan resource allocation more optimally, as you can see in Figure 2.8:
Figure 2.8 – Apache Spark pool monitor
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