Hands-On Financial Modeling with Excel for Microsoft 365
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It is unprofessional to share a model that is full of errors. You should always check your model for errors and then take steps to correct them.
The following are guidelines to follow when errors are detected in your model:
The following illustration will be used to explain this further:
Figure 11.03 – Cells connected as dependents or precedents
Look at cell K8
. The formula in that cell is =K6*(1-$D$7)
. The formula relies on the contents of cells K6
and D7
, which makes them precedents of cell K8
. On the other hand, cell K8
is a dependent of both cells K6
and D7
On the formula ribbon, in the formula auditing group, selecting trace precedents or trace dependents reveals thin blue arrows linking a cell to either its precedents or...