Data Processing with Optimus
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Bumblebee is an open source, low-code web app that aims to make big data preparation easy. It builds on top of Optimus so that you have all the flexibility the library provides.
Bumblebee sends automatically generated Optimus code to a Python kernel gateway to operate our datasets and configuration settings. All of this is done over a secure connection.
For example, when we ask Bumblebee to load a file, it automatically uploads the file to a place Optimus can find it (since it may not be able to load the file from your local storage) and loads it using op.load.file
Bumblebee has a broad range of available operations, and almost every Optimus function is mapped as a user-friendly interface.
In the web app, we can take advantage of its profiling functionality to give the user insight into the loaded data. This also includes loading the actual values of the dataset into a table in real time:
Figure 10.1 – Bumblebee default view with...