Data Modeling for Azure Data Services
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Structured Query Language (SQL) is the language of all relational databases. You use SQL to read data from the database and to manipulate existing data. Creating a database or creating tables within the database and securing your data is also done using SQL. Database developers might use a tool to graphically create databases or tables, so you don't need to write SQL code yourself. The tool will generate the SQL code for you because that is all the actual database engine understands.
SQL consists of three main categories:
DCL is the part of SQL that helps to secure the data. DCL comprises three statements:
Even though securing data is very important in any data solution that you build, DCL is outside the scope of this book. You should check out the TutorialRide website to learn more about this: https://www.tutorialride.com/dbms/sql-data-control-language-dcl.htm.
With DDL statements, you create databases themselves and objects within databases. As with DCL, there are three statements:
, you can make (create) a new table. Whenever the table structure needs to change, for instance, you want to add a column to an existing table, you use UPDATE TABLE
, you completely remove a table and all its content. You will learn about these statements in Chapter 4, Provisioning and Implementing an Azure SQL DB.
DML is the part of SQL that is used for working with the actual data stored in the tables in the database. DML has four statements:
statement lets you read data from tables. Some people believe that SELECT
should be a category of its own: DQL or Data Query Language. The other three statements are self-explanatory: INSERT
adds new rows to an existing table, UPDATE
changes the values of already existing rows in a table, and DELETE
removes rows from a table.
This book is not about SQL. There are a lot of tutorials on the internet on SQL. If you need to familiarize yourself with T-SQL (the dialect of SQL Server that we will use throughout this book), I strongly recommend the books of Itzik Ben-Gan. SQL is also used a lot in NoSQL databases and is still the basis for every data professional.
With relational databases, the first step is to create a table using CREATE TABLE
. While creating the table, you specify the name of the new table. You also specify all the columns of that table by adding a column name and the data type of the column. This means you start by creating the metadata. All the metadata combined is referred to as the database schema.
Often, people merely mean the table structure, the tables, and their relationships when they use the term schema. In SQL Server, there is even an object called a schema that helps in establishing a good security strategy for your database.
The schema of a database refers to all tables and their relationships.
Once you have created tables, you can start loading data into the table using the INSERT
statement. With each row you enter, you provide values for all the columns in the table. The values you enter should follow the rules defined in the table definition. With what we have learned so far, this means that the values should be of the correct data type. You cannot enter text in a numerical column. You will see shortly that there are further constraints. The process of creating a table first and then entering data means that whatever data we add (for example, INSERT
) has to adhere to that structure.
After you have entered data into the database, you can start working with the data. With the SELECT
statement, you can read data from the database. The database uses the existing metadata while retrieving data from the database. For instance, you could write the following SELECT
SELECT PostalCode FROM Persons WHERE Name = 'Janneke';
Notice that this statement is the same example as described in the section about files. In the preceding snippet, we read the PostalCode
column from the Persons
table for the row that has 'Janneke'
as the value in the Name
column. The database uses the metadata, in this case, the table name and column names, to retrieve the data and, where possible, to optimize the query. By using metadata, it doesn't matter whether the PostalCode
field is the second or the third column. Using metadata makes querying the data more flexible.
In addition to the flexibility we gained by using a table over a flat file, there is no step such as repeat this for each row, as we saw in the section on files. A table in a relational database implicitly works with all rows. That is called working set-based. In relational databases, you don't work with individual rows but always with sets. Depending on the filters you provide (the WHERE
clause of the SQL statement), your set might contain just one row or it might contain multiple rows, or it can even be an empty set with no rows at all. The database engine can optimize the query for fast query response times. The database engine uses its knowledge of the metadata. It can also take advantage of extra structures that you may define in the database, such as indexes. You will learn about indexes in Chapter 4, Provisioning and Implementing an Azure SQL DB.
Database systems take advantage of all the metadata defined in the schema to optimize queries in order to obtain good query performance even in the case of large datasets.
Now that we have learned why (relational) databases work better for storing data than CSV files, let's look at the different use cases of databases and the impact this has on database design.