In-Memory Analytics with Apache Arrow
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Contributing to any open source project can be an enriching experience. As long as a project can build up a community of its developers and users, it can continue to sustain itself indefinitely. These contributors and users are the lifeblood of any successful open source project, so if you have a stake in the continued existence of a project, contribute! The Apache Arrow project is a fairly active project currently, with a lively community of individuals who are passionate about data and analytics. The easiest way to see the features you want to get prioritized is to become part of the conversation or, better yet, contribute them yourself if you can! This community is how new features and releases happen. Votes are held publicly on the development mailing list by the Arrow Project Management Committee on whether new proposed features get accepted or new versions are released. Join the conversation!
Coming up to the end of our journey here, we've got one more chapter...