Cloud Scale Analytics with Azure Data Services
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SQL Synapse Analytics – the MPP database service formerly called Azure SQL Data Warehouse – is already well known. It has already reached its second generation and the third evolutional step is right around the corner. We will see Gen 3 in 2021. So, maybe at the time when this book is published, it will already be available, at least as a preview.
When we examine Synapse Analytics, we find some interesting concepts. Sure, the idea of MPP is not new and it has been implemented already with several appliances out there. The formerly known Microsoft Parallel Data Warehouse (PDW), now called Analytics Platform System (APS), https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/analytics-platform-system/home-analytics-platform-system-aps-pdw?view=aps-pdw-2016-au7, is one of them. There are some quite successful on-premises solutions from other vendors on the market – Teradata, Greenplum, and DB2 UDB being just a few of them.